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MAD Evening with Dr John Reid
21 March 2024
Starts: 19:30
Ends: 21:30

Dr John Reid, Chairman of The Trimontium Trust, author of 'The Eagle and the Bear', will discuss the influence of the Romans on the Iron Age communities of the Highlands

At Ferintosh Church Hall in the middle of Conon Bridge. Park in the large car park. NH 54259 55557. Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/qp9bvSp3JmbPiWEC6

Dr John Reid is a recently retired NHS consultant, who has been a Roman history enthusiast since childhood. He has been involved in the Trimontium Trust for some years, and its Chairman since 2021. A fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and Newcastle, he has led several Trust initiatives including the facial restoration of Trimontium Man, the fort reconstruction, Trust expeditions to Rome, Sicily and Libya and the groundbreaking archaeological investigations at Burnswark Hill.

Of some significance is his new book, The Eagle and the Bear, which considers the Roman influence on Scotland and the peoples beyond the Roman frontier. 

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