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North of Scotland Archaeological Society

JS Bone Book: Beneath My Wings

Jim Bone died in 2018. He was a founder member of NOSAS, a keen pilot, and with a passion for taking photographs of interesting archaeological features from the air. Over 40 years of flying in the north of Scotland he amassed a large collection of photographs which he was always happy to share with colleagues. Just before he died he magnanimously donated the entire collection of prints, slides, negatives and digital images to NOSAS. 

Over the next few years a dedicated band of NOSAS members worked through this collection, reducing duplicates and providing background information on each image. This information included what part of Scotland it showed, what archaeological features were in the image, and some background notes describing those features. 

That information and all the images went to Historic Environment Scotland's Canmore Collection to be uploaded to their website. All the images are available to browse or search here

And then it seemed a good idea to create a book of some of the best or more interesting of Jim's images for sale to the general public. The publication team included Marion Ruscoe, Beth Blackburn and Roland Spencer-Jones. That book hit the bookshops in May 2022.

Further information about Jim Bone and the NOSAS project that saved and made available his images can be found here

Copies of this book can be obtained by clicking the Paypal button below. 
