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Strathconon Book

The North of Scotland Archaeological Society is pleased to announce the publication of


Strathconon - The History and Archaeology of a North east Highland Glen

by Meryl Marshall


Take a journey through this beautiful and little known glen and discover its historical and archaeological secrets. The glen is reputed to have been one of the most densely populated in Ross-shire – why was this? How did the people survive? What was the fate of this “super abundant” population?

This book tells the story of the glen at a time of great upheaval and controversial change, relating it to the archaeological sites discovered and recorded during a 3 year project.

Available through booksellers in the area price £7, via Paypal (below) or direct from NOSAS, c/o 10 Riverford Crescent, Conon Bridge, Ross-shire, IV7 8HL  now at the reduced price of £7 inc p&p. Strathconon and Glen Feshie books can be bought together for £12 inc. p&p.

A NOSAS Publication
Strathconon and Glen Feshie
Strathconon and Glen Feshie
2 NOSAS Publications
Strathconon and Glen Feshie£12.00
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