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North of Scotland Archaeological Society

Torachilty Platform

Torachilty Plaforms, Torachilty, Contin - a project by M. Marshall

Site name and SMR or NMRS No.

Contin Parish, Highland Region

NH 43980 56048

Site type/class
?Platform/?Hut circle

Situation and surroundings
On a knoll, situated at an altitude of 122m on the north facing slope of Torachilty in birch woods.

A circular raised platform, roughly 7m in diameter, on the summit of a small knoll. Bounded on its western side by a semicircle or kerb of substantial boulders, each roughly 1m in diameter, the whole being 0.5m in height. The eastern section is bounded by a bank with occasional boulders only. The whole feature is bracken and bilberry covered.

Platform from west

Kerb from NW

An old track or "hollow way" is to be seen about 40m down the hill to the east. This extends for 50m in a SW-NE direction and is 3m in width and 1m in depth at its most prominent part.

Hollow track from SW


Recorder, Date and Weather conditions - M. Marshall 8th May 2004
